Winter doll/Снегурочка
7.00 EUR
add to cart →proceed to checkout!Materials and tools you will need:
yarn in blue and white colors for the main parts – I used less than 50 g of each;
yarn in skin color for the head – I used less than 50 g;
white fluffy yarn to finish the clothes – small amount; MAKE SURE ALL YARNS CROCHET TO THE SAME GAUGE!
a piece of white felt for the whites of the eyes;
wool for felting to make the hair – I used approximately 10 g;
two black half beads for the pupils of the eyes (I used 7 mm in diameter);
matching crochet hook – I used 1.75 mm;
needle for felting;
a piece of plastic (plastic canvas or plastic lid) or thick cardboard for the insoles;
wire for the arms and legs (optional) - the diameter and quantity depends on the size of your toy. I used approximately 20 cm / 7.9 inches of wire 0.8 mm in diameter;
wire for the head-neck-body frame - the diameter and quantity depends on the size of your toy. I used approximately 14 cm (5.5 inches) of PVC covered wire 3 mm in diameter;
fabric tape;
sewing pins;
pink embroidery thread for the mouth;
transparent glue;
any material for tinting (optional) – I used regular blusher;
false eyelashes (optional);
sewing needle;
strong thread matching the color of your main yarn for needle sculpting;
any decoration to decorate the clothes (half beads, spangles, etc.) - optional.
I used “Jeans” by YarnArt (55% cotton, 45% acrylic, 50g/160m), ”Baby” by Alpina (53% polyester, 47% bamboo, 210m/50g), 1.75 mm crochet hook. The toy is approximately 18 cm (7 inches) tall using the materials mentioned above.
About this pattern:
This is a .pdf file with detailed instructions. The pattern is 15 pages long and has 60 pictures to help you.
The pattern is available in English language only.
Skill level:
Skills required:
The pattern does not provide “How to” on crochet stitches. Basic crochet skills required.
To work this pattern you need to know how to work in a spiral, in rows, sc, hdc, dc, tr, tr-clusters (instructions are given), increase and decrease, long sc (instructions are given).
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Copyright © all rights reserved
This pattern is for personal use only. No part of this DESIGN or TEXT may be reproduced, copied, translated or shared without permission.
My patterns are digital products (PDF files), which makes them non-refundable and non-returnable. So please read the description carefully before you purchase the pattern! Once you pay and receive the pattern, no refund or returning the item is possible. I want you to be happy with the purchase so if you happen to have a question concerning the pattern (not concerning basic crochet or knitting skills) please contact us through PM. I will try to help you out as soon as possible.
Описание вязания представляет из себя файл в формате .pdf (15 страниц, 55 фото), содержит пошаговые инструкции и фото для вязания данной игрушки.
Предназначен для тех, кто умеет вязать крючком. Не содержит обучающих материалов по вязанию крючком, а описывает процесс изготовления игрушки. Уровень сложности средний.
Данный материал является авторской разработкой Янины Камышан и предназначен только для вашего личного пользования. Пересылка, публикация и прочее распространение полностью либо частично не допускаются!
Продажа игрушек по данному МК разрешается с указанием автора описания (Янина Камышан) и активной ссылки на мой магазин: